All Episodes
000-An intro to reading the New Testament
3 Minute Bible Intro: This is a one minutes explanation of the entire series.
The speaker is Gary D. Collier, PhD in biblical studies, director of the Institute for the Art of Biblical Conversation, and author of the...
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001-An overview: one bite at a time
001--One Bite at a Time: This 3 minute episode offers a fast "fly-over" of the entire Bible. How we got it and what it covers, and how this series will proceed.
The speaker is Gary D. Collier, PhD in biblical studies,...
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002-Stop speed reading the Bible, start now to PROBE it!
3 Minute Bible: PROBE. This episode outlines a Bible reading approach that will help to bring "responsibility" to reading the biblical text.
The speaker is Gary D. Collier, PhD in biblical studies, director of the...
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003-Luke-Acts & the Holy Spirit
A look at how Luke-Acts pursues the notion of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of Jesus, and of the early church. The speaker is Gary D. Collier, PhD in biblical studies, director of the Institute for the Art...
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004-Luke 1-5
This 3 minute episode highlights Luke 1-5 and encourages you to read to get the big picture before delving into the details of any text.
The speaker is Gary D. Collier, PhD in biblical studies, director of the...
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005-Luke 1-9
This 3 minute episode highlights Luke 1-9. Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the listed material over and over again using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop speed-reading the...
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006-Luke 9-19--Preview
This 3 minute episode highlights Luke 1-9.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop...
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007-Luke 9-19--Jerusalem
This 3 minute episode highlights Luke 1-9.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop...
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008-Luke 20-24
This 3 minute episode highlights Luke 20-24.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop...
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009-Acts--Holy Spirit
This 3 minute episode highlights the Holy Spirit in Acts.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson:...
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010-Acts 1-5
This 3 minute episode highlights Acts 1-5.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop...
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012-Acts 13-17
This 3 minute episode highlights Acts 13-17.
Ideally, you'll get more from these videos if you spend 5 days reading the biblical text over and over again (each day) using PROBE (see previous lesson: 002--Stop...
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