Trust me . . . 

I don't like it
if a video/audio
tech issue
stops you from
viewing a video!


Click Here for
Video Problems
Click Here for
Streaming Problems

Video Problems

I've put too much work into this
to take such issues lightly.

That's why we use Wistia, one of the best video providers available.
We receive very few reports of video/audio problems.

But when we do get a report, 95% of the time it's . . .

  • a browser issue,
  • a computer issue, or
  • a local bandwidth or buffering issue. 

For example, if it's a sound issue, the computer might need to reset the sound card. Or something else. Sound issues for both PC and Mac can be frustrating and are occasionally difficult to track down. Search the internet or YouTube for "fix computer sound" and see what you get! It's a pervasive problem.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to troubleshoot
that might quickly solve the problem.

Please take the following steps before contacting me: 

Step 1

Clear your browser cache.
Now try the video again.

Step 2

If that doesn't work,
try another browser
Now try the video again.

Step 3

If that still doesn't work,
reboot your computer.
Now try the video again.

Speed & WiFi

Internet speeds under 5-10 mbps
can be problematic. 

You can check your speed at

WiFi connections can be erratic.

What Wistia support recommends:

Wistia support gives the same advice as above, plus: 

  • update your browser
  • check your internet speed  
  • reset your internet connection

If the above 3 steps don't solve the problem,
it may be a deeper computer issue.

  1. You might need to do an internet / YouTube search for help fixing sound problems or get someone to help you.
  2. Once you have taken the above 3 steps, you can certainly contact me to check for a system error. 

Please do your part first. 
If you have already taken the above 3 steps,
I will check with my support team to see if the problem is on our side.
(There is only about a 5% chance of this.)

Please send a note letting me know the following:

1. that you have tried all three steps above.
2. which video you are having trouble with.
3. what specifically is (or is not) happening when you try to play it.  

 Please understand, my first question to you will be
whether you did the 3 steps above.

Ask me to check for a system error

Streaming Issues

There are many things that can go wrong in livestreaming. The people who actually know something about live streaming will tell you the following:

  1. Some problems are local and you might not realize it.  These can be traced to things like
    1. low bandwidth (25mbps or less),
    2. using Wi-fi (instead of a hardline),
    3. multi-tasking on the computer during streaming events,
    4. computers needing to be rebooted;
    5. or even a local ISP issue.  

To those who say, “I never have had trouble with Wi-fi before,” the reply is, then you probably won’t most of the time.  Of course, the now famous Harry R. Truman had lived 54 years on Mt. Saint Helens and it had never erupted that whole time, too.  Wi-fi is great, and it might work fine most of the time;  but it is not as stable as a hardline.  The fact is, Wi-fi is less stable than a hardline connection directly to your router.

The best statement to make is this:  Your chances for a smooth streaming experience are improved with a freshly rebooted computer, high bandwidth (25mbps or better), dedicated (i.e., not multi-tasking during streaming events), and a hardline (not wi-fi).  All of these can (and might) affect the quality of your video stream.

  1. It is possible that a problem can occur in how the internet is being routed to your computer.  If so, it is hard to trace.
  2. It is possible that a problem is stemming from our system at IABC.  This is why we have gone to special lengths to protect the video signal we  send out during livestreaming events.  
    1. We stream using 1 gig (up and down) internet service;
    2. We stream using a top-of-the-line, “I-9,” video-production computer that is super-powerful and fast.
    3. We never use wi-fi—everything is hard-lined with CAT7 cables (the best possible available); 
    4. We reboot our computer before each livestream class;  
    5. We turn off all unnecessary programs (e.g., our automatic cloud backup system—we don’t want that kicking on during LIVE sessions).  

We are not bragging.  We are trying to relay that we have done all of this for the best possible signal. High quality matters to us.

  1. It is possible that a problem can be a program issue with Easy Webinar (EW). We always pursue this question, even more so if the same problem keeps happening and to a variety of people.  We don’t ever discount this possibility, just like we don’t ever discount the other three. So, we keep exploring till we find a likely cause.   

Since there are multiple ways that problems can occur, we simply ask everyone—you!—to pitch in and help out.  Nobody expects you to buy a new computer.  We do ask you to do what you can to help make sure your own system is not falling down on the job. 

We really appreciate your understanding and help. 

Institute for the Art of Biblical Conversation (IABC)
What if you could sit down over coffee with a biblical author?