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Top of Page | Gary D. Collier | Richard E. Davies | Brian Casey
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Models how to do a thorough word study. “This is as fine a discussion of the word "Scripture" and its underlying Greek word, graphē, as you will find anywhere. This in-depth, historically oriented word study demonstrates how important a historical approach is to a correct understanding of the Bible.” Prof. Donald A. Hagner
186 pages

A response to Michael Kruger on biblical canon. Offers an alternative approach to the ontology of the canon, and redirects the canon question to deal with the reality of multiple canons throughout the Bible’s history.
Hardcopy thru Amazon.
110 pages

A new translation of John's Apocalypse reflecting the poetic nature of the book. Greek text on the left page, English translation on the right showing poetic relationships. Suggests and demonstrates that the book has a unique and rugged form of poetry. Suggests that the poetic form and style affects meaning and application.
(Turnsol Editions) 236 pages
For Small Groups
2 Readers + 2 Journals
Leader's Guide
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Top of Page | Gary D. Collier | Richard E. Davies | Brian Casey
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Richard E. Davies
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Top of Page | Gary D. Collier | Richard E. Davies | Brian Casey
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This book is about two systems
—God's Kingdom and
human governments—
and the Christian's relationship
to each.
Casey is a
conscientious non-participant
in government,
and a Conscientious Objector
to military service.
He writes using
history, the scriptures, logic
and great passion.
Subjects of the Kingdom:
Christians, Conscience, Government,
and the Reign of the King
Paperback – May 2, 2016
326 pages
Other Books by
Brian Casey
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Top of Page | Gary D. Collier | Richard E. Davies | Brian Casey