Mike Wilkinson
Areas of Teaching at IABC
- Biblical Archeology and History
- Missions
M.D. University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
B.A. Austin College
Professional career
My main focus has been Primary Care General Internal Medicine for the first ten years, then subsequently Consultative Gastroenterology. I am also the President of a 5 physician practice, and Medical Director of a surgery center. I have served several terms as chief of staff of my local hospital. However, I have always enjoyed patient care and relationships much more than the administrative side of my career.
Personal Statement
I have always been a voracious reader and am a life-long learner. I am curious about so many things! I grew up in a family with a Christian heritage and went to church regularly, but it was only a few decades ago that I was struck with how much God had done for me in Christ – even me! (I said I was a life-long learner, not a fast learner). Since then, I have regularly studied the scriptural text and the history of God’s work on earth. I have enjoyed teaching Bible classes regularly, and passing on the things I have learned. I find this very gratifying and fulfilling.
For some time now I have served my little group of believers as one of their elders. Teaching and counseling are the main areas of my focus in ministry. I also work in support of foreign mission efforts, and have been involved with a number of short term mission trips, but long term mission efforts. I am a big believer in allowing new groups of Christians to personalize the practice of being a Christian to their time and place, and make a life of faith relevant to their culture.
I enjoy travel as much as reading, and am fascinated by history and by different cultures. This is a drive that I share with my wife, and we have had many adventures together around the world. I describe myself as an amateur archeologist, and have been called a “shade tree historian.” I have been able to use these passions and acquired skills to lead several educational trips to Israel. I am always ready to plan another trip!
I live in the middle of the woods in East Texas with my wife, Charmaine. We used to raise cattle and horses (and a couple of children along the way), but for some time now we have raised pine trees instead. It is less labor intensive, and allows more time for other activities.
Mike is a board member of IABC, a 501c3 non profit teaching organization for biblical text study.
Click below to watch a live class taught by Mike on
“Building a Medical Clinic in Zimbabwe.”