You get both Skill Sets
1 & 2
Our Primary Track:
Ministry Skills & English-Text Skills.
Allows you to have full access to all aspects of the Ministry & English-text program including a lively discussion community. LIVE sessions (which also get recorded) and 24/7 email discussion make this a powerful study environment for both Ministry Skills and English Bible skills. You have complete choice over what you focus on.
Basic Info
1. What Is the Gold Track?
The Gold Track is the heart and soul of our study program. Unlike the "Sampler", Bronze, and Silver tracks (which are content-limited tracks), the Gold Track offers two focused skill-based study areas: Ministry and English Bible. These are for Christian adults who are serious about growing their skill sets.
- These are exclusive study sessions for members only.
- These take a motivated team through a study program announced for that period.
- We do not run on a college-type schedule (i.e., strict semesters); instead, we adjust all course studies to the topic at hand.
- Each live seminar session is usually 1 hour long.
2. Email Discussion Group
You have access to our incredibly valuable 24/7 email-based discussion group. You will soon discover that this group is as valuable as the LIVE classes. In fact, the two work in tandem for a stellar study/learning experience.
You are manually added to the discussion group.
What You Have Access To
Following are the specific features of the Gold Track.
1. Full Access
Allows you to have full access to all aspects of both the Ministry and the English-based program.
- You have full access to the following Tracks: "Sampler", Bronze, Silver, Gold. (You are encouraged to work through the earlier tracks, because Gold will assume a knowledge of those tracks.)
- LIVE sessions (1 hour per week, which also get recorded and are available 24/7 for review)
- 24/7 lively email discussion community
The GOLD Seminar is a select group: focused, committed, and dynamic.
2. Virtual Commentary
Regardless whether you focus on Personal Ministry or English Bible, you will have access to over 600 hours of biblical text courses and studies arranged by biblical book or topic. (e.g., 25 hours of studies in Matthew, etc.). Every new course we do automatically gets put into this resource for later reference. There is no option for enrolling for the Ministry course without this bonus.
The Program
1. Some Important Requirements:
Open to all members. There are some important requirements.
- Bronze Track Course #1 is strongly encouraged.
- Enrollment for new study partners is any time of the year.
- The GOLD track is for committed study partners. Anyone wanting to bounce in and out of the Gold track for frivolous reasons will eventually be put on restriction.
- Please check the FAQs on the tracks page.
All sessions are LIVE! They are also recorded LIVE so you can refer to them as often as you like (especially if you need to miss a session). Sessions are 1 hour each, just as they were delivered LIVE! And they will feel LIVE! :-)
2. The English Bible Gold Medallion Award
The requirements for this are being considered. This will be a rigorous, but achievable, study course that goes above and beyond merely attending LIVE or recorded sessions.
This is not a requirement; it is only for those who want to accomplish something truly worthwhile. Currently, the plan is that upon completion and verification of the prescribed requirements, you will receive a Gold Medallion Award, as well as an actual, physical 2-3 inch Gold Medallion commemorating that you have gone above and beyond the mere basics, and that you have shown excellence for this track! (And no, of course it will not be real gold!)