Scroll down for pictures from the November 2023 Live Event.
Opening up to the Outreaching of God
Keynote Speaker

James C. Savage
PhD Hebrew Union College;
PhD Union Institute
Jim is an OT and Josephus scholar as well as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). He has specialized in the art of ancient story-telling, and he runs a counseling practice called Life Quest Odysseys.
Covenant is not just a topic for Jim, but a path for life. He tends to be low-key in his approach, humble, gentle in spirit, and unassuming in personal manner. And he is very sharp!
Jim and his wife Diane live in Mayfield, KY, on a 75 acre farm which they use as a retreat center in relation to the counseling practice.
This Will Be a Seminar/Workshop
The more each participates, the more we all will take away.
Jim's 4 Presentations
The Pentateuch: The covenant of Sinai in light of ancient Hittite covenants.
Prophets & Sages
The prophets and other ancient Jewish authors in dialogue with the covenant of Sinai.
Paul and Galatians:
Early Christian writers in dialogue with the covenant of Sinai and later Jewish authors.
The author of Hebrews.
Early Christian writers in dialogue with the covenant of Sinai and later Jewish authors:
Jim writes:
I want all of these to be presentations followed by discussions of the topic.
Part of what I would like to get from the workshop is conversation around how I am conceptualizing all of this.
Other Presenters with Supporting Topics
(All paper titles are subject to revision/update)

Lanette Collier
Reflections on CWP: 2004 to 2023: What it's meant to me."

Lee Patmore
God's Covenant
with his people:
Mike Wilkinson
God's Covenant
with his people:

Twila Higginbottom
God's Covenant with his people:

Gary D. Collier
in Transition?

Paul Jones
Special Guest

A few pics from this event